-----ADS 468*15---

Peace Corps Morocco is seeking 20 Language and Culture Facilitators (LCF)

ADS 336/280--

Corps de la Paix au Maroc
هيئة السلام الامريكية بالمغرب
Offre d’emploi

Peace Corps Morocco is seeking
20 Language and Culture Facilitators (LCF)

POSITION: 20 Language and Cultural Facilitators
DUTY STATION: Rabat/Other rural areas in Morocco 
DATE OF ENTRY ON DUTY: March 21, 2012 
SALARY LEVEL: 218 MAD per day. Food, lodging and transportation are provided by Peace Corps
Peace Corps Morocco is seeking 20 Language and Culture Facilitators (LCF) to facilitate the training of the Peace Corps Morocco Trainees in Moroccan Arabic and Culture.
Position Summary :
PRE SERVICE TRAINING Language and Culture Facilitators (LCFs) work to develop basic communicative language skills among Peace Corps Trainees during an intensive 9 week on-site training program. The LCF works closely with a small group of Trainees throughout the duration of Pre Service Training. S/he conducts language training classes, within the Peace Corps competency-based curriculum framework, and effectively uses a variety of language training techniques, methodologies, and activities. The LCF is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of daily language classes, as well as the community assignments of the Trainees. S/he acts as a resource person and provides written feedback in the evaluation of the training program and the overall assessment of Trainees’ performance.
Job Description
  • Ensure excellent preparation and self-readiness before going to class and integrate all components in the content of his/her sessions.
  • Develop and implement lesson plans based on acquisition of specific language competencies that trainees should achieve.
  • Make appropriate changes based on feedback received and Trainees’ learning needs
  • Evaluate the language materials based on feedback from Trainees and own experience.
  • Assist with additional language learning activities outside the classroom, including individual tutorials, other learning options and conferences with Trainees.
  • Identify specific training techniques that correspond to the Trainees’ learning styles.
  • Prepare and submit weekly, mid-term and final reports to the Pre Service Training director.
  • Provide regular and consistent feedback to Trainees concerning their language acquisition and performance.
  • Assist in developing and utilizing community-based activities to enhance language instruction.
  • Develop Trainees’ cultural competence and act as an interpreter and translator, as needed.
  • Maintain professional and collaborative relationships with all the training team.
  • Maintain a professional and positive public image with the training staff, Trainees and the local community to ensure the proper implementation of Pre Service Training.
  • Observe professional code of ethics in regard to Trainees, Staff and the community.
Minimum qualifications required and proven experience in the following :
  • University degree
  • Experience teaching Moroccan Arabic and/or other languages
  • Fluency in English, French, and Moroccan Arabic
  • Adult teaching experience in a cross-cultural context (desired)
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Ability to work independently and be part of a team
  • Experience working with youth and/or other non-governmental associations (desired)
  • Basic computer skills including word processing, excel, internet, and e-mail
  • Fluency in Tamazight OR Tashelheet (desired)
  • Moroccan Citizenship
For consideration, all applicants must submit a Resume (CV) together with a Cover Letter stating in details how their education and experience fulfills the requirements of the position. Submitted material must address each listed requirement. Both Cover Letter and Resume (CV) must be typed in English and sent to job@ma.peacecorps.gov
Please indicate Vacancy Announcement PC-11-12 in the subject line.
Only Applicants selected for interviews will be notified by telephone and/or email



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